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Destroy your blockade

We are very workful by collecting our blockade during our live. But destroying them is  very difficult and painful proces needed a long time.

I can describe  three types of blockade.

  1. genetic

  2. What we take from our family and around.

  3. What we made by ourself.

1. Genetic blockade


One of the prove of genetic transmission of blockade or kind of behavior was made on experiment with mouse. When the scientist put the mouse to the labyrinth had given her shock on the same place.Even the next five generations of mouse was afraid on the same place and have higher value of stres hormone.

Or another famous controversial epigenetic study published in Nature Neuroscience made on mouse. In this study the scientist associating in a small group of mouse smell of acetonefenon and electric shocks. Surprise was when this behavior like afraid by the smell of acetonfenon manifested it self on many others generations.

The same is happend wit our blockade wen we born.


2. What we take from our family and surrounding


The second case is obvious. Our family and the people around creating our behavior. 

The basis of psychology about our behavior is made on social connection on our parens, family, friends and other social connection.

For example, yours parents saying to that you are not good for enough. You can not make it. It is start your blockade. It exist many other cases on the same basis.

That are the blocked we take from our surrounding.


3. What we made by ourself


This is little bit special. This is combination of the fist two cases. On this already made blockade we build others, new.

We are very creative to build new blockade. Wen we don’t standing straight and haven’t harmony, is very easy to believe a lies. Sometimes we just don’t recognizing that this words of our friend or family are they personal blockade projected on us. Or other way, we are not able to honestly recognize our bad ideas or our limits.

For example, somebody loved told you you don’t singing good. So you stop singing. You have this word in your head. So you try something different, maybe painting. And still this words, so you stop also painting. Because if I’m not good in singing what if I am not good also in painting…and other creative work. So you stop doing anything creative work what make you happy. And your child inside need play. But you don’t have mood to play so you bury your happiness and your child inside of you. Your soul will be ill and then your body too.

On this basis we start succesfuly building deeper blockade, so?

Lets go to destroy them!

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